Monday, July 4, 2016

Elder "Happy Dragon"

Hey Mom!

I am super duper good :) Yes we actually do have P-day today. Normally we don't
but because transfers are this week we kept the week normal and will actually
not have to go home early, we'll stay out until the regular time. Anyway biggest
news, transfers came! I and Elder Smith are staying and Elder Sharp is going
home :( BUT the good news!!! We're getting another missionary (this is my fifth
trio, basically a professional at them now) and guess who it is?! Remember my
trainee? Elder Newby? HE'S COMING BACK!! He, Elder Smith, and I will be in
Houston 8 this transfer and I am SO excited, he is really one of my favorite
missionaries. Anyway so that was super exciting :)

This week was really good. We had P-Day and went to Cheesecake Factory with the
Assistants (sorry about the $$ I promise that was just a one time thing) because
it was Elder Sharp and Elder Fails (my trainers) last full pday!! It was fun the
assistants are really great, and they live in our apartment complex!! So we
always have a good time :) Then on Tuesday we had an exchange with the other
Elder Jensen in the zone and I went English missionary for a day, which was fun.
Then Wednesday we had service again, always fun!! Then Thursday we had district
meeting, and Friday we had a mission conference!! It was all about tenacity and
becoming more tenacious missionaries, I got called unto repentance a lot but it
was totally worth it, GREAT conference I learned a lot :) Then on Friday we had
an exchange with the VIETNAMESE elders in our zone!! SO much fun, it's crazy how
different they have to work. Lots of OYMing ("Open Your Mouth") people on the
street and asking where Vietnamese people live. I even got a new Vietnamese name
(because English names don't work so all elders have to receive a new name based
on their personality) so I am now ELDER PHUC LONG (pronouced foop-lawm) which
means happy dragon (or coincidentally gospel dragon as well) which I think is
super sick :) AND I got to teach English class so they all call me that now!
That was our week, Saturday was just exchanging back and then doing 4 baptismal
interviews. Sunday was the best day ever, 4 people got baptized!!! That super
cool investigator Amilcar and Leirys brother and sister and cousin. It was an
amazing service and lots of people from the ward showed up. It made it a great
service!! Then after that, the sister spanish ward in the stake had a play about
missionary work so we went and watched 7 missionaries from our zone preform in
that. Overall it was a GREAT week, I am on top of the world and so excited to
see what we do next transfer! I expect good things to come :)

Thank you so much for everything you do mother, that email gave me a lot of
animo (cant remember what that means in English can you google translate that
lol?) I think it's like inspirations. That made me feel like a much better
person. Thank you for always looking for the good in me, all of those skills are
things I am still trying to improve on! The last one especially...I have felt
the spirit so much as I teach, I honestly feel that I teach with more power and
always know EXACTLY what I need to say and do, the power of the Spirit is real,
I know that more than ever now. I love repenting everyday and being worthy to
have the constant companionship of the Spirit. Thank you for all you do for me
mother, you are the best example to me. You taught me to always love, never
judge, and how to always listen. I know that you taught me every point on that
list. Dad helped too, he taught me that and how to be a leader and work hard
until the job is done. Between the two of you, I learned everything I know!!
Thank you for your wonderful example. I love you a lot mommy. You and Dad
inspire me and our family makes every second out here worth it. I love this
work, I KNOW that this church is true and that this is what I need to do right
now in my life. I miss you all, love you lots!!!

Elder Jensen

 Houston 8th Ward Missionary Squad
A family they love being baptized!

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