Wow that looks so fun! I'm so glad that you guys had a good week in SC, can't wait to go visit next October :) Thank you also for your thought on work, I have found that to be so true. We have no success as missionaries until we get off our knees and do something about it. I know that to be true. Send everyone my love! This week was good. To answer your questions first, the week was good! We didn't do any service but did have a big meeting with all the District Leaders and we have started round 2 of working with the refugee kids from the school, we're starting with helping in their summer program. Rather than that it was a week focused on finding new people to teach which is always a blast!! Knocked lots of doors and we talked to ALOT of people. Elder Newby is doing well! He is such a great missionary, so proud of him :) Elder Smith is good, they both work really hard so that is awesome. The H-'s are good! We had a mini birthday party for Elder Newby which was fun. Accidentally drank the iced tea that a neighbor brought over which was a bummer BUT made up for it because she really loved the lesson we shared :) Sad part is, never had tried tea in my life before coming on my mission and this is now the second time I've had it on accident...oops haha. OH we also went to the Temple with A- this week which was AWESOME. Anyway, I am good, kind of an unexciting week but we are working hard and doing good. I've adjusted 100% to missionary life so now it's just a roller coaster that only goes up :) now I'm more concerned about getting un-adjusted to missionary life in a little over a year! I love being a missionary it is the BEST. I love and miss you guys so much, thank you for all that you do for me mommy, I love you lots. You're the best!!!
Love you!!
Elder Jensen
Hey dad-
Thanks for the ideas!! I will work to apply those ideas, we're super excited. I think the list of questions is good because it's something we haven't really tried! We've done a lot of creative contacting and talked to so many people and we're stoked to keep doing it!! Elder Newby has a plan to wake up every morning and yell "LETS BAPTIZE" and thus far it has been successful we are so stoked to get out and work as hard as we can :) We've found a lot of cool people. I have such a testimony of following the Spirit. I know now when it's with me and when it's not. IT IS AWESOME. The Spirit is great, it makes my mission feel like a roller-coaster that only goes up! I feel like I am now 100% adjusted to missionary life. I feel really good about everything and I am loving life :) Love you lots Dad!! Thank you for the great example you are to me. I am so grateful to have had such a great example of a great priesthood holder in my life, thank you for all you do, love you Dad!

Post Planning Party
At the Temple with A
The beautiful Houston Temple
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