Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Another Week in Houston

How are you?! I am super duper good!! My birthday was great, I loved it! :) Yes thank you for both packages! Believe it or not we actually did not have eggs or oil but we are getting them today so HOORAY!! Thank you so much for the ties, love them so much!! Haven't got to use the gift card yet but it's Chipotle and Jamba Juice so I was super stoked to get those :) Thank you thank you thank you!!! Yeah sorry, as it turns out there were actually people that did in my ward and because they're all there at mutual it was possible but I had to leave my area with a different companion to do a baptismal interview :( good news though is she passed and was baptized on Saturday so that was great :) Sorry, you will get a picture super soon I promise! My week was great we saw a lot of people and how found a good handful of super cool investigators, nothing to report on yet but everyone is doing well :) We had MLC this week and it was all about faith which was great, we got to do a blitz on Saturday which is when the whole zone meets somewhere and we go outside and go crazy in one area to try and find new investigators for companionship's that are struggling so that was fun! Then on Sunday we got to teach the missionary prep class which was super fun :) It was weird because there was only like 15 kids (compared to the 30/40 in my class) but still super duper great. Great week lots of fun stuff :) We actually are not teaching that class right now, we're on a break because the place had enough volunteers but it's almost all the same group of kids just the 7th graders started 8th grade and we got some 5th graders that moved up to our classes. That's pretty much all that went on :) I'm glad you guys had a great week. Thank you for everything mommy I love you lots!! Your letter was exactly what I needed and I loved the talk on hard things because it is SO TRUE!! Love you mom, thank you for being the best mother in the world. Love you!!

Elder Jensen

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